Category: Mental Health Prevention

  • Trouble breathing, is anxiety the reason?

    Trouble breathing, is anxiety the reason?

    The reason you are breathing so shallowly, could anxiety be behind it? Shortness of breath and other symptoms… If you’ve ever wondered why your breathing feels so shallow, anxiety might be the reason. Your chest feels heavy as if you had a rope around it. Sometimes you seem to need a big yawn…

  • Can Anxiety be Cured? What they never told you…

    Can Anxiety be Cured? What they never told you…

    Can Anxiety Be Cured? What you have never been told. Have you ever wondered if anxiety can go away? It’s a common question, but the answer might surprise you. Anxiety can seem scary, but what if I said it could be your friend? It helps us stay safe by warning…

  • It Can Be Terribly Lonely, Everyday Social Anxiety.

    It Can Be Terribly Lonely, Everyday Social Anxiety.

    It Can Be Lonely, Everyday Social Anxiety. Do you ever feel scared around people? Does talking to others make you feel worried and filled with panic? That’s just a small glimpse into what social anxiety feels like. It’s more than being shy. It’s a devastating fear of people judging you.…

  • How To Deal With Teen Anxiety Before It Is Too Late?

    How To Deal With Teen Anxiety Before It Is Too Late?

    How To Deal With Teen Anxiety Before It Is Too Late? Teen anxiety is a big deal that can affect how teenagers feel and do things every day. According to experts at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), around 31.9% of teens aged 13-18 deal with anxiety at some…